Wednesday 29 October 2008

My take on the Russell Brand/Jonathan Ross/Andrew Sachs issue

  • How did it become top-line news? It seems Monday was the day it hit the news, despite the broadcast in question having been made after 9pm on Saturday 18 October.

  • Brand's "performed" far worse material on the same BBC Radio 2 slot.

  • How and why did the number of complaints the BBC received, increase from a reported 1,500 on Monday 27 October, to over 20,000 today? Have all these people listened to the show in question?

  • Sachs was due to go on the show -- it's not as if Ross and Brand decided to call anyone up.

  • If Ross wasn't involved, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't have become such a major issue. For many, this is a chance to attack him and his salary.


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