Saturday, 5 February 2005

Being Kilroy-Silk

Kilroy-Silk -- more tan than Fat Ron AtkinsonSo Robert Kilroy-Silk has left UKIP and formed his own political party -- Veritas, the 'straight talking party' -- in order that he can become a leader of something. How come I wasn't surprised to discover that the colour of Veritas is purple? I know that several other colours are already taken (ie, Labouring Red, Conservationist Blue, Liberating Orange and Green Party Green) but purple? That's mentalist David Icke's favourite colour. Somehow Icke and Silk do go together. Who knows, maybe Icke could join Veritas as environmental minister.

PS Is it 'Kilroy-Silk' or 'Kilroy'? After all, before being dropped by the BBC, he dropped the '-Silk' from the title of his talkshow. The electorate needs to know.

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