Thursday 13 January 2005

Say 'nay' to coffee and alcohol

Coffee -- not for me (during January)My New Year resolutions for 2005 are going well -- all 13 days of them. I don't normally make them, but I wanted the challenge of giving up coffee and alcohol for the entire month of January. I don't drink copious amounts of alcohol, except for the odd session, so it's a fairly easy vice to temporarily give up. Likewise, I don't binge-drink coffee. The only hassle about omitting both from your daily life is the lack of choice it creates. When in a pub, you're limited to fizzy drinks or orange juice. Anywhere else, and you're faced with tea, or, if you're lucky, hot chocolate, as a coffee alternative.

As I am enjoying the challenge, I reckon I'll give up two things a month, throughout 2005. Any ideas are gratefully accepted.

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