Monday, 31 December 2007

Exploring the Daily Mail's defintion of "soaring"

From The Daily Mail, 26 December 2007: Soaring toll of patients hit by drug side-effects
"Soaring toll of patients hit by drug side-effects
The number of patients suffering serious side-effects from NHS drugs is soaring.

Last year, 4,635 people were taken to hospital suffering adverse reactions from medicines they had been prescribed - up from 4,429 in 2004."

Can 206 people out of 4,635, ever be described as soaring?

Saturday, 8 December 2007

Crowborough recycle centre

Crowborough household recycling centre centre (aka the dump) has an interesting sign that welcomes customers:

We cannot and will not help with builder's bags!

Physical and verbal abuse of our workers is not tolerated!

It's a friendly place.